
1991年,触摸屏进入中国,当时只是代理国外的红外和电容屏产品。两年后,中国红外触摸屏技术基本成熟,并且在这个过程中,逐渐产生了中国触摸自助一体机KIOSK的邹形。1996年,中国诞生了第一台自主开发的触摸自助一体机,随后又陆续出现了一批KIOSK生产开发商。 1999年,广州锐新触控科技有限公司总经理庞汉忠先生进入触摸行业,凭借敏锐的市场嗅觉,很快在行业中站稳了脚跟。2000年,由庞汉忠先生控股的广州锐新软件技术有限公司通过广州高新区审核,认证为高新技术企业,迁入全国十大软件产业基地的广州天河软件园。随着事业的稳步上升,2001年1月正式成立了广州锐新触控科技有限公司。 2006年,广州锐新触控科技有限公司建立了自己的模具注塑基地,并不惜重金,自行开模做出了17寸触摸液晶显示器和17寸书写液晶显示器,并申请了专利。由于该产品用手在屏幕上触摸时不会摇晃,且外壳采用ABS全新环保材料,坚固耐用,一时全国轰动。“质量是金,服务是心”的经营宗旨很快成为三星、LG的注塑基地之一; 2007年,广州锐新拥有了自己的商标“RXZG”,同时推出防暴防水防尘触摸液晶电脑电视一体机,触摸液晶电脑一体机,立式触摸查询一体机,触摸液晶显示器,工业显示器,开放式触摸显示器,触摸点歌台,排队叫号机,防暴有机玻璃广告机,液晶电视电脑一体机,液晶电视机等一系列产品,并很快进入欧美、东南亚等国际市场。随着市场份额的不断扩张,广州锐新触控科技有限公司迅速成为中国最优秀的触摸产品生产商之一。 经济危机阴霾未去,在许多企业面临停产裁员困境之时,广州锐新触控科技有限公司逆势而上,2012年,锐新上海分公司、锐新北京分公司、锐新成都分公司将相继成立,同时,北美、欧洲、中东等国际贸易部也将全面扩张。不久的将来,广州锐新触控科技有限公司定能实现宏大的公司愿景,为数字技术贡献自己的力量! In 1991, touch screen into China, and we just agented foreign infrared and capacitance screen products at that time. Two years later, China infrared touch screen technology matured basically, and in this process, gradually produced the rudiment of Chinese touch self-help equipment with pc all in one KIOSK . In 1996, the first touch self-help equipment with pc all in one was developed independently in China, then turned up a batch of KIOSK production developers one by one. In 1999, Guangzhou Ruixin Touch Control Technology Co., LTD. General manager Mr. Hanzhong Pangjoined into touch industry. By right of keen market smell, he found a foothold in the industry soon. In 2000, Guangzhou Ruixin software technology Co., LTD holding by. Mr. Hanzhong Pang passed the audit of guangzhou high-tech zone, was approved as high and new technology enterprise, settling in Guangzhou Tianhe software park of national top ten software industry base ,. As business steadily rising, , Guangzhou Ruixin touch control technology Co., LTD founded formally in January 2001. In 2006, Guangzhou Ruixin Touch Control Technology Co., Ltd. set up own mould base, and not hesitate to spend heavy gold to open mold and make 17 inch touch LCD monitor and 17 inch LCD writing monitor, and applied for a patent. Because the products won`t shake when write on the screen touch by hand, and the shell is made of ABS span-new environmental protection material, firm and durable, cause a nationwide sensation. The quality is gold, the service is heart” is the management tenet , soon became one of the mould base of Samsung and LG. In 2007, Ruixin had his own trademark RXZG, also provide antiriot waterproof dustproof all in one touch computers, floor stand touch kiosks, touch screen monitors, industrial monitors, open frame touch screen monitors, touch KTV monitors, queuing touch kiosks, anti-explosion organic glass advertising monitors, LCD all in one computer TV,LCD television etc a series of products, and quickly into Europe and America, southeast Asia and other international markets. With the expansion of the market share, Guangzhou Ruixin Touch Control Technology Co., Ltd. became one of the best touch manufacturers quickly. The haze of economic crisis has not left, when many enterprises face layoffs, Guangzhou Ruixin touch technology Co., LTD keep holding on and develop constantly. In 2012, the new branch of Ruixin will be set up in Beijing, Shanghai and Chengdu. At the same time, North America, Europe, the Middle East and other international trade department will also overall expansion. The near future, Guangzhou Ruixin Touch Control Technology Co., Ltd surecan achieve grand vision, contribute own strength for digital technology revolution!

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